Why Would Anyone Want to Go Back to “Normal”?

Margo Jay
5 min readJan 31, 2021

For the last eight weeks, every media outlet, every business blog, every conversation has been about the virus, what we can do right now, when lockdowns will lift, what the future will look like, and when we’ll get there.

Finally, we have good news. Now, lockdown restrictions are starting to ease in places like Spain and Italy, which have been hard-hit. Even here at home, we’re seeing plans take shape.

And with the lifting of lockdowns comes the lifting of the fear and anxiety that’s been propelling us forward. We can start looking forward again.

I’m excited to move on. But something I’m hearing a lot of is how it’s such a relief that we’ll be able to get back to “normal.”

That bothers me. At first, I didn’t know why, precisely. But the more I think about it, the more I see the issue: Why do we want to go back to “normal”? And, even if we wanted to, could we get there?

“Normal” Is Easy and Comforting

At first glance, the idea of going back to “normal” seems nice. I want to see friends and family. To enjoy something simple like hugging everyone I meet (I am a hugger), getting out for a run or grabbing a coffee and not worrying about the virus or social distancing rules.



Margo Jay

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